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Schools/Nurseries Wellbeing Circle time program!

                                   🌟 Wellbeing Circle Time Program! 🌟


Are you looking for a simple yet effective way to promote wellbeing and mindfulness in your school or nursery? Look no further! Teeno & Co is thrilled to offer our  Wellbeing Circle Time Program, designed to cultivate a culture of wellness in your setting.

Our unique wellbeing sessions offers flexibility to suit your needs. You can opt for the 12-week/12 month program or you may choose between weekly, monthly visits or twice monthly visits. Your children will participate in a engaging and enriching wellbeing circle time experience led by a trained Teeno & Co wellbeing activator who will also support staff to be able to deliver these sessions too.

What's included in our program?

🌈 Monthly, forthnightly or weekly wellbeing circle time sessions led by our trained activators. which includes storytelling, reflection, movement, fun activities such as Affirmation land!

📚 Story/activity packs curated to foster mindfulness, emotional intelligence, and resilience and build upon learning.

🎓 Free staff training to empower your team with the tools and techniques to support their own and children's wellbeing.

🖨️ Access to a wealth of wellbeing activity printables to enhance learning and engagement.

📞 Ongoing phone support from our dedicated team to address any questions or concerns.

But don't just take our word for it! Children in local nurseries rave about our sessions, eagerly anticipating a new story and activity every week. Not only do our programs enrich the lives of children, but they also benefit staff by equipping them with valuable wellbeing and storytelling skills. 

Transform your school or nursery into a hub of positivity and wellness with Teeno & Co's Wellbeing Circle Time Program. Our affordable and easy-to-implement solution is the perfect way to instill lifelong habits of self-care and resilience in the children in your setting


Don't miss out on this opportunity to create a nurturing environment where every child can thrive. Contact us today to learn more and start your journey towards a happier, healthier Nursery/school community with Teeno & Co!

Click Here To  Send A Message and Discuss How We can Help Your setting!

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